That’s RAD! Science is proud to support Indigenous Knowledge Centres
We would like to pay our respect to Elders, past and present, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
In 2019, the Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist and Queensland Department of Environment and Science facilitated the distribution of copies of our STEM books to 25 Indigenous Knowledge Centres:
- Wik Mungkan IKC (Aurukun Aboriginal Shire Council)
- Winifred Fisher Knowledge Centre (Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council)
- Hope Vale IKC (Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council)
- Lockhart River IKC (Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council)
- Mary Ann Coconut Library (Napranum Aborignal Shire Council)
- Bwgcolman IKC (Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council)
- Pormpuraaw IKC (Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council)
- Woorabinda IKC (Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council)
- Binal Mungka Bayen – Knowing Things House (Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council)
- Yarrabah Knowledge Centre (Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council)
- Bamaga IKC (Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council)
- Injinoo IKC (Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council)
- New Mapon (Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council)
- Umagico (Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council)
- Seisia (Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council)
- Badu IKC (Torres Shire Regional Island Council)
- Boigu IKC (Torres Shire Regional Island Council)
- Dauan (Torres Shire Regional Island Council)
- Erub (Torres Shire Regional Island Council)
- Hammond (Torres Shire Regional Island Council)
- Iama (Torres Shire Regional Island Council)
- Kubin (Torres Shire Regional Island Council)
- Mabuiag (Torres Shire Regional Island Council)
- Poruma (Torres Shire Regional Island Council)
- Warraber (Torres Shire Regional Island Council)