World Malaria Day is an occasion to highlight the need for continued investment and sustained political commitment for malaria prevention and control. That’s RAD! Science is a proud supporter of Word Malaria Day and the Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery (GRIDD). GRIDD recognizes World Malaria Day each year with outreach events and education strategies.

This year’s World Malaria Day theme is “Ready to Beat Malaria”. This theme underscores the collective energy and commitment of the global malaria community in uniting around the common goal of a world free of malaria. It highlights the remarkable progress achieved in tackling one of humanity’s oldest diseases, while also acknowledging worrying trends that suggest that progress has stalled and that urgent action is required if we are to win the fight against this deadly disease.

Help the global community end malaria. Become an educated global citizen and let everyone know you are ready to #readytobeatmalaria. Particpate in #worldmalariaday events!










GRIDD tackles devastating diseases including malaria.

Follow GRIDD on twitter @GRIDD_GU and on facebook to learn more about their research and World Malaria Day Outreach Activities



That’s RAD! Science and Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery thank the Australian Society for Parasitology for the continued support of World Malaria Day Events.

Follow the Australian Society for Parasitology on twitter @AS_Para and facebook